Friday, March 28, 2008

On Not-so-sad Goodbyes and Hopeful Hellos

5:01pm today marked the beginning of my 2-week summer vacation.

Yes! It's finally OVAH! As in O-V-A-H!

Farewell 2nd sem. You have given me nothing but stress. I am soooo glad you are a thing of the past already. Off to better and more enjoyable things in life. I hope.

Goodbye Philosophy of the Human Person. I definitely learned a lot from you although it does not reflect in my grade. Thank you for Marcel for the very long readings. Thank you Ames and Hall for Daodejing which just straightened out the loops of brains all the more. Thank you Ph101 and Ph102 for making my nose bleed everytime. Just everytime. Good bye Sir Soh. Thank you for making Philo a bit manageable for me. Thank you for making your discussions clear and enjoyable as well. You have been one of the best profs I have had so far.

Goodbye Finance. You were a wonderful surprise for me. I never thought I would even do well in you. I really find it weird that I get good grades in you when I do not even understand you while back when I was taking Accounting, I can very well understand the concepts but I did not do well in it. Goodbye Maam Reggie. I know that deep inside, you really are concerned about your students. But uh, your teaching method sucks. Big time. Maybe a little training would not hurt.

Goodbye Photoshop, Premiere and Flash. You are probably the most useful class ever. Stressful but nevertheless useful. It feels sad though that you are the only one who puts the Tech in Comtech (seriously, I have yet to know the person who have enjoyed that stupid 5-unit class). Goodbye my elitist professor. I really have nothing much to say to and about you.

Ah, Opman! GOODBYE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT CLASS! GOODBYE EVIL D.O.M PROF! You just do not know how extremely dancing-like-a-chicken-high-junping-like-crazy-and-screaming-my-lungs-out happy I am you are over and done with! I think I have said much about you in one of my previous posts. Nothing left to be said.

Goodbye Broadcast Management class. Still dunno if I have learned a lot from you. But I must say, I enjoyed the radio show production. I cannot say the same thing for the television show production though. Goodbye Maam. You are such a diva for always being late for class. We take so much effort also for soming to class that early and we hope that is enough reason for trying to wake up a bit earlier for class.

Goodbye Creativity class. You have been one of, if not, the only class/es that I really enjoyed. Despite the "delights" - which btw, I was not even a wee bit delighted to do - your class has been really a blast. I got to learn more about myself and my friends because of you. Goodbye Sir Randy. Sorry if you find our class disrespectful, but you gotta understand, we it is a 3-hour class, it is almost always just a series of presentations from students. Plus, you are sort of a diva also for not coming to class or coming to class an hour late. You must understand how painful it is for me, rushing from my Finance class at CTC to the far off island of Comm Dept just to be on time for your class and I find a "Class will start at 10:00 today." written on the board. Good luck and God bless in your UNICEF adventure.

After all the craziness and stress gave me, i just hope there is something brighter and better that will welcome my remaining year in school.

Hello summer vacation! You are only 2 weeks long but I do not mind. It is better that way for me. I do not like long vacation because it equates to long idle time.

Hello ILC! I swear I got super kaduper megaly happy a while ago knowing that you are just a week away.

Hello better prayer and spiritual life! I promise I shall work on you.

Hello awful random number! I shall deal with you in another post.

Hello 9-unit summer bonanza! I was able to handle one like you two summers ago. I hope I am able to do the same this sem.

Hello Hillsong! I am soooooo ecstatic that you guys are coming here again! Ultimate Praisefest at Araneta again. Sooo many people worshipping God. Inspiring. Life-changing. Fun. I am definitely not gonna miss this for a lifetime.