Thursday, April 24, 2008

On regretting

I regret not taking the time to be friends with my blockmates, especially since they are such a friendly bunch. Especially now that I have realized they are the kind of people that I would really enjoy hanging out with. Right now, I am able to hang out with them from time to time but then I feel bad for almost a year's chance to get to know them and be friends with them. I should not have spent my long breaks then being the nerd person that I was studying. Oh well.

I remember during 2nd year 1st sem, Mark welcomed me to the block and invited me to have lunch with them one time. I actually sort of wanted to but I was shy. I did not want to be the "newbie."

But now I regret not having accepting the invitation.

I hope I still have enough time to get to know them and really be close to them just like how they are to each other.

Walalang. Senti. Chossss! Hahahahah


kim said...

Don't you worry, Tin. We still have a year. ;)

Tin said...

Yey. Hahaha. Thanks Kim kasi nice kayo sakin. Hahahaha. Drama! :)

Jan Ruiz said...

Yes we have one year pa. One year to be mahalay and malandi. Hahaha :D

Tin said...

but jan...ikaw lang. hahaha. kidding! :)